shut down by Russian Virus

My Star-Telegram columnist colleague, Ed Wallace, off, talked on the radio today about how his website was knocked down by a malicious virus. Wallace shared the latest information on how Google is dominating the process of restoring websites to functionality.

Wheels with Ed Wallace on 570 KLIF

Ed Wallace

The same happened to (That’s why this formatting is so UGLY!) Here’s what appeared in Friday’s Fort Worth Star-Telegram Dave Lieber Watchdog column:

World Wide Scams…

Here’s further proof that nobody is immune from Internet scammers. This week, they got The Watchdog.

My website was pulled down by a virus that programmers trace to Russia.

A few weeks ago, was targeted by Chinese scammers in what’s called the “Chinese Internet domain registration scam.” They told me that unless I bought all the watchdognation domain names for sale in China, someone else would.

Good luck with that. A Watchdog Nation website in China? Sure. Whatever you say.

But the Russians got me good.

Read more:

Note: We’re still having formatting problems. We know paragraphs are good for the eyes, but this blog posting doesn’t know it yet.