All author Dave Lieber wanted for Christmas was for his book to get published on the iPad.
For two months, he tried to work with Apple, keeping a detailed record of his dealings. But with Christmas days away, it appears the award-winning book, Dave Lieber’s Watchdog Nation: Bite Back When Businesses and Scammers Do You Wrong, isn’t going to be available through Apple. At least not yet.
Turns out Apple’s procedures for working with small publishers are so poorly organized that they are an embarrassment to this great, ground-breaking company. The company can’t seem to do what other ebook publishers do every day: place digital books on sale. (UPDATE: A month after this post appeared, the book finally became available on iPad, three months after the project began.)
Here’s the new Dave Lieber Guide to ebook Self Publishing with the latest information on how to publish on Apple (not) and the other major ebook companies, which are easier:
My research on Apple was done as part of the creation of this ebook publishing guide. When I decided a few months ago to jump into this rapidly-growing market, I searched the Internet for an up-to-date guide showing how to do it yourself, who to contact and what the difficulties are.
Couldn’t find one.
So I made my own – for you — because I believe every writer should live his or her dream. That’s what I’ve always taught authors as part of my popular Dave Lieber Guide to Self-Publishing. I show how to publish without the major publishing houses or the vanity presses taking all your profits.
More than a dozen books have been published by other authors who used my self-publishing system because they wanted to make more money. Now I want to lear how to do the same with ebooks. And, as always, I want to share the latest information that I learn with you. It’s here now, below, for free.
My goal was to take Dave Lieber’s Watchdog Nation: Bite Back When Businesses and Scammers Do You Wrong and convert it to the proper e-book formats. Then I wanted to upload them to the top ebook pubishers: Apple’s iBookstore; Barnes & Noble, Borders and Amazon’s Kindle. These four represent about 60 percent of the ebook market.
Important: You don’t need a physical book to create an ebook. You can skip that step and publish straight to ebook.
First, you need an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) for your ebook (separate from the ISBN you used for your printed book). You can buy the numbers from either singly or in a group of 10 or larger. I suggest the bigger purchase since the price is better (around $200 for 10) and once you get your ebook business going, you won’t want to stop. (Note: Bowker tells customers to buy a separate ISBN number for each ebook file format; but I found that not to be the case.)
Next you have to get the book formatted the way it will appear on the screen. All ebooks must start as a Microsoft Word document. (I hired my book designer Janet Long to copy and paste the original book from her files into a Word doc.)
Checked with publishing expert Jerry Simmons, who creates the popular website. He recommended to convert my Word document into the various formats. (Remember there’s no standardization in the industry; different ebook readers require different formats. Ugh.)
For less than $300, my Word doc was converted to these formats: PDB (Palm Database File); PDF, Mobi, LRF, ePub (the evolving standard), PRC (Palm Resource File) and HTML.
Firebird provided me with a starter sheet, too. Several of the platforms listed were no-go’s for me. I couldn’t make contact, let alone get e-published with Mobi Pocket Reader, Sony Reader, Microsoft Reader and Adobe Digital Editions. But they aren’t part of the top four anyway. Here’s how it worked with the major publishers — and my grade for them:
Start the process at Open your account and provide bank account information for sales proceeds. Watch an instructional video at .
Uploading the file is easy. My submission was quickly accepted and placed on sale. There was one slight problem. The “Buy it on Kindle” label next to my hardcover book, also for sale on Amazon, was linked to the out-of-print 2008 edition and not the actual 2010 edition it’s based on. Eventually, after two tries, I got it fixed.
Grade: A
For degree of difficulty, Apple is as tough as Amazon is easy. Getting to the point, Apple has earned a failing grade. Why? Let me count the ways.
Information about the ebook process on Apple’s website is nearly impossible to find. When you call customer service, staffers don’t know much either. Apple is not responding to e-mail requests for help or information either.
But I kept calling and writing. When I finally got in the front door, I learned you must upload your book on a Mac, not a PC, using Apple’s iTunes Producer software. I borrowed a friend’s Mac.
After the upload, Apple did not acknowledge its arrival. My book was listed as “Pending” for a month, and nobody in Apple would answer my e-mails. Finally, it was listed as “Removed From Sale.” Apple never notified me. Finally, when I pestered for an answer, Apple, taking its sweet time, alerted me that my cover image was too small.
It’s clear that Apple wasn’t ready to enter the book business. It got slammed, fell behind and keeps changing the way it runs this new business. I’m patient. I really want my book available on the iPad. That’s why I started this process. But as of this writing, no can do.
Learn about the process at To get the iBookstore Publisher User Guide and create an account, start at If you have problems, call 1-800-275-2273 and ask for a “senior adviser.” Or try this e-mail address:
Grade: F
Barnes & Noble/NOOKbook
Gosh, this was easy. I opened an account at, uploaded the book and it was immediately for sale on the website as a NOOKbook. Apple could take a few lessons from this enterprise. (E-mail help is available at
Grade: A+
Kobo (the Borders platform) rejected me outright because they require vendors to have “a minimum of 10 titles.” A staffer wrote me, “We have been known to settle for 9 or even 8 titles; however the point here is that the work required on your part and on ours to get set up as a vendor doesn’t always make sense for a small handful of titles.”
Grade: Incomplete
The Alternative
If you don’t want to do it yourself, “digital aggregator” companies can help you. The best-known is Other digital aggregators include, and I can’t vouch for them, but wanted to present them to you as options.
Happy e-publishing.
Dave Lieber is an investigative columnist at the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. This story appears on, National Speakers Association blog and Find him on Twitter @DaveLieber and If you want to self-publish in either a hardback or softback, creating your own company, doing it yourself with a great publishing house, you should check out the Dave Lieber Self-Publishing Guide.