The first Ross Perot biography in 25 years. Now on sale here!
This is a positive life-affirming story about a legendary family that has changed the lives of thousands.
It’s an inspiring tribute that seeks to share the life story of Ross Perot with a new generation – and reminds his fans why they loved him so much.
(Hardcover, 1st edition, 192 pages, 60 photos.)
Get the book here.

First Edition || Hardcover || 192 [ages || 60+ photos
As author Dave Lieber points out, running for president is only a small part of the story behind this complicated Texas genius and his philanthropic family.
This Ross Perot story as told by Dave Lieber, a remarkable storyteller and journalist, is a grand saga of love passed down from generation to generation.
And along with that love came strong business values that built the Perot family ethos: Always pursue world-class excellence.
Get the book here.
Update on great Perot stories
Ross Perot Sr. could only have been made in America.
Born during the Great Depression into a happy, peaceful East Texas life, he became one of America’s most beloved billionaires.
Whether it was creating the computer services industry with his landmark company Electronic Data Systems, battling General Motors to build better cars, helping veterans or running (twice) for president of the United States, Perot was all in.
He woke up every day excited about who he could help and problems he could solve.
He organized a raid into Iran to rescue two top employees held as hostages in a maximum-security prison.
He revamped the Texas public education system. He and his wife Margot became masters of philanthropy.
He was called talented, driven, high-strung, generous, impatient, loving, energetic, impulsive and blunt.
As author Dave Lieber points out, running for president is only a small part of the story behind this complicated Texas genius and his philanthropic family.
This Ross Perot story by Dave Lieber is a grand saga of love passed down from generation to generation. And along with that love came strong business values that built the Perot family ethos: Always pursue world-class excellence.
Award-winning playwright and journalist Dave Lieber, The Watchdog columnist at The Dallas Morning News, masterfully captures this story of generational love, devotion and brilliance.
In doing so, he must overcome his own hesitation about some Perot business practices he witnessed and wrote about for a newspaper.
This is the first Perot biography in 25 years.
Join Dave on this venture into the never dull world of the Perots of Dallas.
Get the book here.
From Roger Summers:
“The fascinating Ross Perot story continues. Fresh set of eyes, thoughts, judgments. Sometimes, peeking behind the curtain.
“In this age of Shark Tank what Perot did then is instructive now for would-be entrepreneurs of today.
“Lieber calls the book Searching for Perot. Our conclusion: He found him.”
Get the book here.